09 Nov

Anchor furniture and large TV’s to stop deaths and injuries

The ACCC is co-leading an international safety campaign urging parents and carers to anchor unstable furniture and large TVs to the wall to prevent infant deaths and serious injuries.

The consumer watchdog is joining the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and 18 other regulators from around the world in alerting consumers to the dangers of unstable furniture and large TVs.

Suppliers are also being urged to take immediate steps to improve the stability of these products and supply anchors at the point of sale.

Buying tips

  • Purchase low-set furniture or furniture with sturdy, stable and broad bases.
  • Look for furniture that comes with safety information or equipment for anchoring it to the walls.
  • Test the furniture in the shop – make sure it is stable. For example, pull out the top drawers and apply a little pressure to see how stable it is; make sure the drawers do not fall out easily.

Safety tips

  • Attach, mount, bolt or otherwise secure furniture to walls and floors.
  • Do not put heavy items on top shelves of bookcases.
  • Discourage small children from climbing on furniture.
  • Do not put tempting items such as favourite toys on top of furniture that encourage children to climb up and reach.
  • Do not place unstable furniture near where children play.
  • Put locking devices on all drawers and doors to prevent children opening them and using them as steps.

To read full article visit the ACCC website

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