22 Oct

3G mobile network switch off in Australia is underway. Vodafone/TPG switched off their 3G network in December 2023. Telstra & Optus have announced their switch off will be 28 October 2024.

3G mobile network switch off


The switch off of the 3G mobile networks in Australia is underway, are you and your products prepared?

The 3G mobile networks are in the process of being switched off. Vodafone/TPG switched off their 3G network in December 2023. Telstra and Optus have announced their switch off will be 28 October 2024.

After the switch off dates, any mobile devices that are 3G only will be unable to connect to the mobile networks. Any mobile devices that rely on 3G for emergency calls will not be able to contact emergency services. The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has recently published a news article about the 3G shutdown and medical products.

So that your products are not affected by the switch off, you should ensure your mobile devices use 4G (or 5G) telecom modules. Information on the shutdown is available on the Telstra website.

CBA is a JASANZS accredited Telecoms Certification Body and can assess the existing test reports for your mobile device for compliance with the ACMA’s telecoms customer equipment requirements.

What can I do to get assistance?

CBA can assist you with meeting your regulatory obligations and provide accredited telecoms certification.

If you would like to know more on how CBA can assist you with your regulatory requirements, please contact us on 61 2 9099-1557 or email Gunther at or Colin at

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17 Sep

ACCC information on Environmental and sustainability claims

Environmental and sustainability claims –

  • Environment and sustainability claims must be truthful and accurate.
  • You should have reasonable grounds for making representation about future events.
  • Businesses have responsibilities under the Australian Consumer Law not to make false or misleading claims.
  • A business needs to consider the claims it uses. It also needs to consider the information that’s left out and the visual elements, colours and logos used.
  • ‘Greenwashing’ is where a business uses any claim, or omits key information, that makes a product or service seem better or less harmful for the environment than it really is.

For further information please visit the ACCC website information Environmental and sustainability claims

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22 Jul

Overseas testing to Telecoms mobile device standards – accredited testing laboratory overseas

Are you looking for an accredited testing laboratory overseas to test your telecoms mobile device?

To issue a JASANZ accredited TECS CB Statement and Certificate for a voice capable mobile device, we need you to provide us with an accredited test report to AS/CA S042.1:2022.

It can be difficult to find a testing laboratory overseas that is accredited to AS/CA S042.1:2022 and is capable of acoustic safety and emergency call testing.

Ke Mei Ou Lab Corp (KMO) are located in Shenzhen, China, and have been providing accredited acoustic safety testing to AS/CA S042.1 for a number of years.

Recently KMO had their telecoms testing accreditation updated and they are now accredited to test to AS/CA S042.1:2022 (including emergency call testing by simulating the mobile networks for Australia), AS/CA S042.4:2022, and AS/CA S042.5:2022.

In cooperation with KMO, you can now get accredited AS/CA S042 testing by KMO in China, and then CBA, as part of the TECS CB Statement process, will review the KMO reports and do some verification checks of your product on the live networks in Australia.

If you are looking for accredited telecoms testing in China, please contact KMO at to discuss your requirements.

What can I do to get assistance?

CBA can assist you with meeting your regulatory obligations and provide accredited telecoms certification.

If you would like to know more on how CBA can assist you with your regulatory requirements, please contact us on 61 2 9099-1557 or email Gunther at or Colin at

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08 Jul

Review of the Regulatory Framework for the Safety of Household Electrical Products

Published by ACCC

On 1 December 2023, Treasurers across Australia at the Council on Federal Financial Relations (CFFR) agreed to review the national, state and territory electrical safety frameworks for household electrical consumer products.

Australia’s existing system for the safety of household electrical consumer products (low voltage and extra low voltage) is primarily made up of different state and territory laws administered and enforced by the electrical safety regulators in each jurisdiction. The existing system has protected consumers from unsafe products for many years, but, over time, inconsistencies and regulatory gaps have arisen. These issues impede the system’s national operation and ability to respond to emerging safety risks posed by new technologies.

The review is being conducted through a partnership between the Australian Government Department of Finance and the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission in consultation with states and territories. As part of this work, a Reform Action Plan will be developed, identifying areas for improvement for consideration by ministers responsible for electrical safety ahead of CFFR decision in the second half of 2024.

The review of the existing regulatory framework for household consumer electrical products (low voltage and extra low voltage) seeks to improve or maintain safety levels while ensuring regulation is fit for purpose, efficient and effective. This includes resolving inconsistencies and closing regulatory gaps to achieve national harmonisation.

The review will focus on 6 core priorities

  1. support the transition to net zero by identifying ways to maintain and strengthen consumer and business confidence in the safety of more energy efficient and environmentally friendly technologies
  2. review suitability for increased international standards uptake that maintain or improve safety while not reducing ability of regulators to act on identified safety issues so as to maintain or improve protection of the community
  3. achieve national adoption of the Electrical Equipment Safety System to provide consistent pre-market controls and to reduce regulatory burden on businesses
  4. achieve appropriate regulatory coverage of extra-low voltage products
  5. enhance national Ministerial oversight and decision-making to ensure arrangements remain aligned, regulators are supported in their roles and align with expectations of electrical safety Ministers, including when products have been supplied nationally or by international suppliers
  6. achieve uniform compulsory recall powers for all states and territories to access that are supported by efficient and effective frameworks.

The review is conducting limited targeted consultations with business and consumer stakeholders, and can be contacted at

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22 Mar

Lithium-ion battery fires continue to be a concern for fire organisations across Australia and there have been a number of recent lithium-ion battery fires.

Lithium-ion battery fires continue to be a concern for fire organisations across Australia and there have been a number of recent lithium-ion battery fires.

Data on the Fire and Rescue NSW website shows that between January 2023 and November 2023 there have been more than 200 battery related fires and the ABC website (21 March 2024) reported that Fire and Rescue NSW has recorded more than 60 lithium-ion fires in the state so far in 2024.

To help reduce the risk of fire of battery powered appliances, make sure the battery charger supplied with the appliance has the correct safety testing and safety approvals.

Also make sure that the appliance is tested with the battery charger you intend to supply so that the two products work together correctly and safely.

Fire and Rescue NSW notes that Lithium-ion batteries are the fastest growing fire risk in NSW and has published information on its website on precautions that can be taken to reduce the risk of fire when using lithium-ion batteries.

What can I do to get assistance?

CBA can assist you with meeting your regulatory obligations and provide accredited safety certification.

If you would like to know more on how CBA can assist you with your regulatory requirements, please contact us on 61 2 9099-1557 or email Gunther at or Colin at

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